This thing has been building up ever since she announced her intention to force us all to spend time in each other's company. This was done via the medium of Facebook. Facebook is apparently now a suitable tool for declaring such things. People will soon be announcing their divorces and death of loved ones on FB. Anyway, she created this event on Facebook and invited a load of people. But she was very crafty and made it super-private, so you couldn't even see who else was invited. Mr Bunny accepted the invite a couple days after she sent it out and I held out for as long as was decently possible, then caved to marital pressure and clicked 'attending'.
However, at one point earlier this month, Mr Bunny and I had a massive blowout (about his sister. Another long story in itself. Sigh!) and he shouted "Fuck it! I can't deal with this shit. We're not fucking going to that dinner." As if that was supposed to be some sort of punishment. A couple days afterwards, she texted him to ask why he wasn't coming, since he'd apparently changed his RSVP to 'not attending'. He made up some bullshit about not being able to see who was on the guestlist, so he just thought he'd do that in case it wasn't on anymore. Steups. So she said she wasn't aware she'd done that and she'd change it, so we could all see the guest list.
And just like that, we were going again.
When she did that, it was then that the full horror of the event was unleashed upon me. The Bell was going. This surprised me greatly, since she and The Bell had fallen out in a big way a few months ago, and she moaned about it at great length the last time we had a drink with her. So imagine the groan that arose from my throat when I saw that The Bell was meant to be in attendance. In addition, there was also Fatsooo, who is still obviously in love with Mr Bunny. But it was all going to be tolerable because Mini Han was meant to come up from London. Mini Han's good people and very lovely to hang around with. So at least I had that to hang on to. With Mini Han there, the evening would be bearable.
I obviously had no desire to go to this little soiree, but I knew if I didn't go, it would look bad on a couple fronts. But mostly to the two douchebag exes. You see, you have to play the game. They're already looking for any chink, any crack, any dent in the relationship, so my non-appearance will be fodder for gossip. Mr Bunny does not understand this. He has no idea that every single word coming out of their mouths is loaded. He thinks it is just my imagination. But my female friends totally get what I'm saying. "Where's Bunny? How come she didn't come? Is everything ok?" It'd be a lose/lose situation. I'd either be a bitch who hates her sister-in-law, worried about the exes and thus want to avoid them, or having marital problems. Plus if he didn't go, they would all think exactly the same and blame ME for it. So the path of least resistance was to just go to the bloody thing, grin and bear it.
So a couple weeks ago, or maybe last week, I texted the sister-in-law to ask her what the dress code was for this pub. I texted from Mr Bunny's phone, pretending to be him. She said it wouldn't be at all dressy, since it's just a country pub, so he could wear jeans and a shirt and I wouldn't need to wear a dress or anything. But I still wanted to buy something new, since I just wanted something new. I didn't find anything, but decided to wear a maxi dress I pulled out from my wardrobe. I just couldn't be arsed really. And I thought "Well, she did say no dresses, but this isn't too dressy. So it'll be cool."
Or that's what I thought.
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