Friday, 3 June 2011

The plot thickens

So Mr Bunny decided to take another stab at convincing me of this dog thing. Turns out, dogs are like babies and you can't leave them home alone. Riiiight. So having a dog is just like having a baby. I mean, yes you have to clean up after them both, and yes their poos and farts stink like nobody's business, and yes you have no idea what they want most of the time, since they don't use words. But seriously? Having a dog is just like having a baby? Is he kidding me?

Obviously I just steupsed and was like "For fuck's sake. The bloody dogs aren't coming, so get over it. Why do you care so much anyway? You don't even like your sister!" And it's true. He doesn't like his sister. He never rings her, he never texts her, he never even sends her an FB message or anything. I am the one who texts her from his phone every so often, just so it looks as though he cares. I am the one who's always getting on his back to meet up with her (which he refuses to do). So I had to call him out on his hypocrisy.

The issue apparently, is that he's ready for us to get along now. And my feelings on that? Bollocks to them both. He let her bad behaviour go unchecked for nearly three years. He'd be like "Yeah, she's a dickhead. That's just how she is." So why is it that now that SHE wants to get on and HE thinks it's time, I must suddenly run to her with arms wide open? Evs. In my fantasies, he tells her "Yeah, she's a bitch. That's just how she is."

In any event, dogs are just like babies apparently. Who knew? I guess my family was guilty of gross child endangerment and neglect, whenever we went on holiday and left our dogs at home. Maybe our dogs should have been taken into care, because we left them outside at night and only fed them once a day and bathed them only when they stank so much we couldn't take the stench. And it seems the pound is basically a fancy name for a dog orphanage. Steups.

It all boils down to this- I like babies. I do not like dogs. And Mr Bunny is full of shit.

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