Friday, 25 December 2009

It comes but once a year...


Just thought I'd share my favourite Christmas song, which I only heard during my first year in England. It's a very happy Christmas song, and while it isn't a patch on the best soca parang tune to be heard, it's pretty awesome!

So here it is (you'll see why this is funny once you watch the video)...

Sunday, 13 December 2009

We're only human after all

Tiger Woods has been boning down. Like, constantly. So what, I hear you cry? Well, problem is, he's married with two kids. Yessss... And he wasn't boning down with his wife.

Oh no!

As strong as my feelings are on adultery- my husband is very clear on this, and there is a 'bail' fund in case he ever gets caught in the act and I stab him and beat the crap out of her. But he isn't the cheating type, so I think I'll buy some Louboutins with the fund- but I digress. As strong as my feelings are on adultery, I'm finding it very hard to sum up any sort of emotion about this.

What is wrong with me??

I mean, am I so cold hearted that I cannot feel anything for the young, gorgeous woman, whose uber-rich semi-attractive husband had A LOT of sex with women who looked just like her? I mean, if she divorces him, she walks away with a cool $300 mil and will most likely be snapped up by some other self-absorbed rich dude. And he will be free to shag whomever he likes. Is that such a horrible thing?

Ok, so the man had some sex. And she is humiliated and hurt. But I find the whole situation so ludicrous that I'm really not arsed. I can understand how she must be feeling. I mean, I've been cheated on in the past. It was almost ten years ago, but finding out isn't at all a nice feeling. And it's probably a jillion times worse when it happens in public like this. So I do feel kind of bad for her. But I think that's where it stops.

I have no emotional investment in Tiger Woods. He doesn't factor into my life in any way. I mean, yes I remember watching that Masters tournament and the interview on Oprah afterwards. And even then I didn't watch the whole tournament. Just the final day, when it was clear that something special was going to happen. The thing is, golf is one of the dullest sports on the planet, a title also shared by snooker, curling, badminton and darts. So I am not really bothered by Tiger's achievements.

I think it also has something to do with the fact that I think he's full of shit. A fact that has only been compounded by his response to this whole malarkey. Instead of admitting right off the bat that he'd been caught with his trousers round his ankles and making the wrong sort of hole in one, he issued two completely lame-ass statements. Steups. I'm getting all riled up just thinking about it. It's taking me back to the 'cablinasian' bollocks he spouted on Oprah all those years ago. Yer man is mixed. Ok, yes. His mama's Thai and his dad is black. Instead of just saying that, he invents this ridiculous word and probably heard my eyes rolling all the way from my gran's living room in Trinidad.

So now I couldn't really care less what he gets up to. His wife and kids will be generously provided for, whatever the outcome of this so I don't think they need my sympathy. He wasn't beating the crap out of her or anything. Just being immensely stupid.

Steups. I'm over it.

Saturday, 12 December 2009

More than a feeling...again!

Oh my. Looks like old feelings are bubbling up and up and up!

We Need a Resolution

I went to Spain for the first part of my year abroad. My lecturer arranged for me to work at the Camara de Comercio in a town called Soria, Spain which is two hours north of Madrid. I also worked at a languages academy, teaching English of course. I lived in a flat with a couple who were nice enough, I guess. He was wicked old and she was young and hot. I'm just glad I never heard them boning down. His name was Manuel, and I forget what she was called, but she made some deelishis empanadas. Anyway, my days were spent at the Camara, and my evenings at the languages school. I had a couple friends there and was mostly enjoying it (apart from being always mistaken for a prostitute. But that's for another day), but I really missed my black posse back in Preston.

So I arranged to fly back for a long weekend to get my Browns fix. Browns was an R&B/ Hip Hop club in Preston. It wasn't brilliant, but it succeeded because it was the ONLY R&B/ Hip Hop club in Preston. So chances are if you were black, you'd spend some portion of your weekend there. In my second and final year at uni, we fecking owned Browns. We had our own corner. There were girls who were actually afraid of us. Anyway, I was glad to be back, talking shit with my crew and all that. I hung out with my black posse and my mate G. Good times! It was also during this time that Aaliyah AND Michael Jackson released their new albums. I'd heard We Need A Resolution at some point, and really liked it so I bought it. And of course I bought the MJ. D'uh!

So after a weekend of throwing some serious shapes around Preston, and rocking the only weave I've ever worn, I flew back to Madrid and got on a bus to Soria, with my Aaliyah and MJ CDs. This is the first track on the album, and it just blew me away. I was always an Aaliyah fan. I love her voice. It's so pure and sweet and is just perfect, the way it just kind of floats over the melody and lyrics is just brilliant. It just moves effortlessly up and down the register and gives me goosebumps. The other song I love on the record is More Than A Woman. But Resolution is the song I played over and over again. I don't think I slept on the wrong side, but I felt like I most def needed a Resolution, especially as I fancied the arse of Alejandro at the Camara and was too much of a douche to make a move. I didn't speak my heart. I bit my tongue. Plus, he had a girlfriend.

I'd have this song on repeat, just singing it over and over and over and over. I'd take the CD down to Oui & Yes (the languages place) and put it on while I ate pizza and planned my lessons and made materials. I'd play it in the mornings while I was getting ready for work. I'd play it when I came in during siesta to get ready for my afternoon classes. I'd play it while I was laying on my bed devouring any English magazines or newspapers I'd gotten my hands on. I also read Spanish Cosmo, which is actually pretty good! I just played it damn near all the time. And when I saw the video? DAMN!! I just loved it. She looked SOOO gorgeous, it made me love the song even more. Sigh! Even seeing the video now makes my pores raise. She just looks stunning.

Aaliyah died later on that year I think. I remember I was back in Trinidad at the time, and my dad was all distraught because he thought it was Lil Kim that died. Don't ask.

It makes me sad that this amazing singer is no longer here. Timbaland lost his muse and to fill the void has resorted to working with Justin Timbertesticles and Nelly Furtado. I sometimes wonder if Aaliyah was still alive, if Rhianna would be as big as she is now. A bit random, I know, but my mind sometimes works that way.

Oh, and Alejandro and I did have a little thing in Seville the following year. Turned out he was quite taken with the black girl after all!

But it also turned out he had a tiny penis.

Oh my!